It shouldn’t come as a surprise that someone who loves video games is also into board games. There is something magical about a group of people gathering around a table to enjoy a board or card game. It unleashes a special sort of energy: one player’s shrieks of joy lead to another’s frustrated teeth-grinding, villeanous back-stabbing for one might be merciful aid for another, and shared victory might be thwarted by one small personal misstep.
My favourite games
The games I like the most require a large degree of creativity and problem-solving. As such, I’m always up for a deck builder, role-playing, cooperative game, or heavy strategy and resource management style game.
Arkham Horror: The Card Game
The Lovecraftian universe of Arkham Horror is the perfect scene for a cooperative living card game that is also heavy on role-playing. Arkham Horror: The Card Game is equally sinister as it is brilliant in its storytelling and design.
Both a cooperative card game and a dungeon crawler, Gloomhaven is nearly 10kg of pure board game pleasure. I love its party dynamic, dungeon exploration, and character building.
Brass Birmingham
Ah, to be a capitalist in 18th and 19th century industrialist England. Coal, trains, beer, and above all, ridiculous investment returns and wealth. Brass: Birmingham is the strategy game par excellence.
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